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Grand Lighting Marshal

Local Enid resident, retired school teacher and retired director of Hope Outreach Parenting Ministry, Ann Price, has been chosen as Grand Lighting Marshal for The One’s 2022 Opening Night.


Ann is the foundational leader and success driver behind the Parenting Ministry since 2002. Under Ann’s leadership, the Parenting Ministry founded and hosted the “Girls Abstinence Tea” and “Abstinence Tailgate Bash” to the local 7th graders; this event eventually encompassed three counties. These programs alone have been estimated to reach a total of 8,400 boys and girls. As Director of the Parenting Ministry, Ann lead the organization in helping over 1700 clients participate in approximately 30,000 hours of parenting lessons which allowed these clients to shop in the Mommy Store for items from diapers to cribs for free. Ann is a member of Emmanuel Enid and has taught Sunday School for almost 20 years.

Interview with Ann

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